Content filtering works in the way it is described, a software or hardware solution that filters, screens or excludes access to particular web pages or emails. These content filtering solutions are widely used to improve efficiency, by removing access to particular sites, where time wasting can occur, such as social media, and also reducing the risk of attacks from viruses, malware and hacking.
Through our specialised partners, together with our implementation team, Intertek can offer a host of software (on-premise or on the cloud) content filtering solutions, and hardware content filtering solutions, that can stop access to certain sites, prevent downloading, prevent Peer to Peer (P2P) downloads, and also offer bandwidth utilisation management. These solutions provide both logging and live monitoring facilities whilst also placing control and restrictions on chat, email and file transfers applications.
Get in touch with us today to speak to one of our professionals and set up your company’s content filtering polcies.
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